Contact info:

Phone: 248-923-3522 

Fax: 810-969-4673


Gynecology & Obstetrics

Location and directions:

2710 S Rochester Rd, Suite 2
Rochester Hills, Mi, 48307

The Rochester office is located in the medical plaza across the street from Barclay Circle, West of Rochester Rd and North of M59.

Medical Emergencies:

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call medical emergency services at 911 immediately. DO NOT WAIT!!!Inform the emergency room staff that you are a patient of Dr. Andrei and they will contact her.

After-hours Urgent Medical Needs:

If you have an urgent medical need and must speak to a doctor after regular hours, please call the hospital operator at 810-667-5500 and Dr. Andrei or the physician on call will return your call promptly.

Billing Questions:

For any billing questions please contact Heather / Christina at 248-932-2607 or LuAnn at 248-922-0680.